martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

To keep learning programmation, try to take the certificate of Frozen and Flappy Birds in It is really helpful. Here are mine, and I can assure you its really easy.

This program does the factorization to the number you insert. To make sure this program Works, copy carefully the picture below.

This program will work like a calculator, but just with square roots. Make sure to copy everything exactly like in the picture so it works properly.

With this program you just have to insert a number and it will tell you every prime number previous to the one you´ve said. To do this, copy carefully the picture below.

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015


With the help of this blog, you will be able to know how to program with PseInt, how to get certificates from, and how to make a game with Scratch. This blog will show pictures of the final Project and it will have a detailed explanation of what you have to do step by step. This way, you¨ll have your work done in no time!